Friday, September 27, 2013

I still have my shoes on

That is a testament to the epic procrastination I have been... doing? for the last 2 hours. My chem lecture finished at 2. I told dad I was going to go home and "study" which I haven't actually done at all (despite the fact that I have a shit-ton of chem reading and bio review to do, not to mention an english essay to write and probably chem pre-lab stuff. Oh, and math practice, because math suddenly stopped making sense today and infinite limits don't make any sense. How is it that if I sub infinity into something it becomes 0? Isn't infinity like the opposite of 0? Ugh now I actually have to use my math textbook) and SHIT my new math assignment is due next friday wtf usually we get two weeks to do assignments what is this

Well fuck my weekend just went down the toilet.

I keep trying to go skating on sundays but I'm always too busy freaking out about schoolwork to bother to leave my apartment, walk over to the university, and skate for a couple hours. Maybe I should actually do some work. I'm supposed to go out to dinner with my dad tonight, too... well I guess maybe watching the new episode of glee instead of doing my homework WASN'T such a good idea after all, hahahaha....

I was going to say I feel really organized but I don't and then I do this and just WHY AM I NOT LEARNING GOOD STUDY HABITS ARUGH.

I guess I should do some chem reading now or something. Get it out of the way. As for math problems I have to have time to focus on those, so that should be done tomorrow, and I should get started on that assignment and see how far I can get on my own. My essay also requires a couple of hours to sit and focus, so that should be done tomorrow as well. I could read the rest of othello tonight too, and look through the hacker readings to see if there's anything I need to focus on. The practice set I could probs get done quickly, but I do have to go out this evening with my dad (he flew up to see me/for a medical meeting conference thinger) for supper and I don't want to be stressed during that. I could also do the bio notes tonight, that won't take long, and half of it is just highlighting words I need to know and writing them on the back (I do that to keep track of terms. Also reviewing terms is a shortened way to do studying really fast if I only have a couple minutes to study before heading off to another class). Chem PS shouldn't take long, apparently it's all high school review and it's not due or anything so that takes some pressure off.

Wait is that it? Well okay and the latin roots of words we've been learning in bio I ought to write down somewhere I guess.

Okay so maybe I do have good study habits. Last year when I had a bunch of stuff to do I'd freak out and cry before I organized myself like that and that was just a waste of time. Besides, if I were at this point last year, I'd probably have a couple of chem labs coming up (well actually I have to do the chem pre-lab too, fuck I forgot that), and I dunno, I can't even remember. I just know I would have had the EE and IA in the background, stressing me out. And probably some little assignments from history and chem, but never from English because our English teacher tried to keep us as stress-free as possible by just giving us tests and large assignments (a lot like university, come to think of it) rather than little assignments all over the place. And then come november, NaNo would come up (I'm doing that this year- PLS JOIN ME IT WILL BE SO FUN especially once I come up with an idea, hahaha...) and I'd be dealing with my practice TOK essay and that godforsaken TOK project. My TOK project sucked so badly. Actually no, wait, let's go look at it again. I still have it somewhere..
Oh this is actually a semi-intelligent debate over an interesting subject concerning research and ethics in the gaining of new knowledge. Damn. Why was I so smart then? (Although I think I might have plagiarized. Tsk, tsk, past me). Even the title slide is a totally bitchin' work of art. This might just be the best powerpoint presentation I've ever made. I don't even remember what my grade was. AND THEN I PULLED THAT PRACTICE TOK ESSAY OUT OF MY BUTT, DIDN'T EVEN FINISH WRITING THE CONCLUSION I LITERALLY STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE AND I GOT 38/40 SOMEHOW HOW THE FUCK DID I DO THAT WHAT THE HELL??!?

When I say TOK confused me, I'm not just talking subject matter, guys.

ANYWAY IT'S TIME TO HIT THE BOOKS. With my head. Ha, I'm just kidding. With my eyeballs. But not literally.

yer pal,

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