Thursday, September 5, 2013



It's nice to worry about stuff like this again, though. And by stuff like this, I mean my roommate has a friend from her town that came to the university with her and he is a fairly cute engineering major who seems like a decent and nice person and he is helping her with physics and math and omg just GAH.

There are copious other cute boys in university, though- so I can finally say I was not lied to! People told me there would be cute boys in middle and high school- LIES, 99% lies- and they also said that about university and this time they were right. A cute guy walked by while I was waiting for my philosophy class to start and it was just so nice. AND THEN HE WALKED BY AGAIN HAHAHAHA. I am definitely appreciating this.

Plus, one of the people I hung out with last night walked part of the way to university with me today, and he was super nice and said I could come hang out anytime with anyone I met last night, which meant a lot considering I figured they'd think I was a giant nerd who didn't drink and left parties early.

I keep thinking everyone I meet is going to be my new friend, but in reality that doesn't seem to be happening (I mean, aside from the situation with my roommate because I see her a lot and she is super easy to get along with) and I am very confused. How do I friends? In ninth grade I asked Vince and someone who doesn't have a nickname (wat) if I could sit with them at lunch and I just sort of tagged along with that group until I got comfortable enough around them to not be an awkward mute. Although perhaps I am getting ahead of myself since I have been in classes for a grand total of two days. One girl in my bio class and some of the people in math seemed nice, so things are looking up. And then there's the people in the building I know by proxy of my roommate. Is by proxy the right phrase? Whatever. Anyway, it's because of her that her cute guy friend in engineering talks to me sometimes, so things are definitely looking up.

Aside from math. Math is hard. I don't remember how to math. Hopefully it catches up with me soon. I have a good prof, so fingers crossed that things start to make sense!

yer pal,
swegan :)

1 comment:

  1. haha I love this: "How do I friends?"
    and: "How do I cute guy?"

    Both very excellent questions that I too, would love to know the answers too!!!

