Tuesday, November 9, 2021

different person

 i don't know if it's possible but i feel more like myself than i have in a long time. i don't think of you as much anymore as i used to. you were always so far away.

i can see now how much i was trying to force it. i can see now how much better i have become since you discarded me. i know i wasn't always a good friend to you, i can see how i tried to force things to be what they weren't, force myself into a shape i never was.

maybe that's because i'm here and you're there. maybe it's because all of your contribution to my world was in the palm of my hand at all times, sometimes on my screen, sometimes in my arms but so rarely. 

the chapter is over and every day that settles into me with more finality. you were never meant to be here forever. i don't cry anymore when i think about how it happened. that chapter of my life ended long before this one did and now that entire segment is well and truly gone. i can't go back to it. 

i think so many people say they are lonely because they only have a few friends. hearing so many people say that makes me feel normal. now i too only have a few friends, and i don't even see them often. and because my relationship with them is different than my relationship with you, i've had to change.

you know how badly i needed reassurance and now there is no one left to give it to me but myself. no one else's reassurance works the way yours did except for mine. since i have been thrown into the deep end on my own i have learned to swim in record time. now i can float on my back and enjoy the silence.

i can't even be mad about it. i used to be the girl with lots of friends, the popular girl, and now i am just a person doing her best. i've lost a lot of interest in interacting with people through screens and acting like it's a real connection. most of my days are spent alone or in the company of a few people i know i can trust now and it feels good.

i've read 11 books since you left. i haven't read like this in so long. 

not being able to rely on you is a gift i never knew i needed. i wondered for so long how to listen to myself and be who i wanted and the answer was to stop listening to other people. turns out when you have no other choice, it happens fast.

i know you probably hate me. i know you probably never read the last message i sent before i blocked you. i know you are probably telling lots of people horrible nasty things about me. i know there are places in that city i can never return to, and others that i can't return to alone.

but i wanted you to know i'm doing really well without you. i never needed you, i only ever wanted you, even when i should have let you go.

Monday, July 26, 2021


having now been on the receiving end of a ghosting experience, I gotta say: if you do this, you are the worst fucking person. Be fucking direct. Don't be a fucking coward. the other end of this is terrible.

here's the context: in the first weekend of july i went to visit friends. on the last night of that weekend we all got drunk and i brought up a topic that should not be discussed while drunk and found out my friends, despite knowing my feelings on this topic for years, suddenly found all of what i was saying to be deeply offensive. there were fights. there were tears. there was phony kindness. a week later, i apologized for bringing it up so carelessy but made it clear i will not apologize for what i believe. it does not need that. i don't need to defend this in myself.

typing and thinking about it makes my stomach twist. it makes me feel sick.

one friend said she needed time to think about whether this was a relationship she wanted to have. how long do you need to decide whether your close friend of 4 years, who asked you to be in her wedding, is worth keeping or not? if this was all it took for you to throw me away, how much did you value me in the fucking first place?

one said i "said some pretty hurtful things" that weekend. but i don't get to be hurt. there is no room for me to be hurt. once again i am the villain and i am the bigger person stopping myself all the time from screaming at them you hurt me too. i am hurting too and you are childish for not leaving space for me to acknowledge it. but i believed the same things they did once before i changed. i know what they think of me. i know the lies they will hear about people like me that they will swallow wholesale without thinking twice. those lies say: she is the villain. make her suffer. i am undeserving of space for hurt, i am undeserving of closure. move on and let me rot alone, wondering.

the last one wasn't there for the worst of it. she was in another room, high as a kite. she came to me to ask my side which i appreciate, a sign that she values me as a friend. but gives me the same answer when i calmly explain what happened. i need time. i don't need three months (the amount i have been giving them). only need a few weeks and if she doesn't decide then, she is just ignoring it. are you ignoring me now? did you decide that's what was best?

not even worth the dignity of "i'm done." not even worth the dignity of cutting the cord, not worth certainty, finality, dignity. you are leaving me to cut the cord because you are cowards. if i cut you all off then i am firmly, finally, the villain, my story ended. 

but it doesn't end. because i have to go on living like this. 

who is really the villain if you'll take 4 years and then just leave me here wondering forever? who is really the villain if you force my hand? i can't live in limbo forever.

i've made my limit. i will cut the cord, i will let you go, i will forcefully shut you out of my life. And it's because I don't deserve to be treated like this. Nothing I did made me deserve this, and thanks to therapy I knew that from the very start. You are choosing to treat me this way. You are choosing it and lying to yourself to rationalize your behavior. You tell yourself I deserve this treatment but it is still a choice you are making, to just leave me wondering and wandering with no way to ask what you are thinking. 

But I have to thank all of you. For teaching me that betrayal can happen where you least expect it. For showing me my own strength as I pull myself through this. For illuminating my weaknesses when I am hurt. For showing me who is truly there for me and accepts every piece of me, even if we don't align perfectly in our beliefs. You did this to be cruel, or to self-protect, but either way how I was feeling clearly wasn't a consideration you kept while you acted. That says more about you than it does about me. You've given me things, even as you have taken them away.

But sincerely, truly- I hope this never, ever happens to you.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Loose thoughts about the way things are now vs the way they used to be

This is mostly about the internet. I was going to say it's all ads without being ads and then trailed off reveling in how messy it used to be. And then realized my point was this: it feels like the whole experience of most popular websites purports to be about the user but is really about the advertisers. This isn't just me being bitter about ads, but it is a little bit.

I remember the early days of most of the social media we use now. I remember leaving long comment threads on friends' posts on facebook in high school, laughing until I cried and then referencing the jokes the next day. I remember facebook being a tool to share photos and updates and thoughts with friends. I remember watching my sister use instagram in its early days when it was just people taking photos of their latest craft project, their outfit that day, a picture of the sky, of their coffee, of their food, of them with friends- the stupid kind of stuff you capture when you're young. I also remember when snapchat was just about sending photos with one line of text and no knowledge of whether they'd been screenshotted. I remember the early days of youtube, and how the videos would look and the kind of content that would be put up.

All of the early days of this was very odd, ugly, clunky, and not always user friendly. Things were slow and buggy much of the time, not that long ago. Images and videos were low in quality and limited in quantity. It felt like things had limits, like the real world was still more interesting.

And then COMPANIES got a hold of these things. So many facebook pages and accounts and instagram pages are just companies trying to advertise. Sometimes this is your favourite local restaurant but more often than not it's a major fast-fashion or subscription box company. Sometimes it feels like nobody has a website anymore. Things got easier to use, and faster, and higher in quality, so more and more content was put up. Content wasn't always guaranteed to be there forever (stories) so now you had to check things to see what your friends were up to, and people were more likely to put content up knowing it would go away shortly (myself absolutely included). Out of nowhere you were supposed to use your real fucking name and image on everything, everywhere, all the time... to make ads more targeted for you. And now that your real self is up there, things you do online have real-world effects. Sometimes for good. So make sure you define, curate, market, and sell yourself. For your benefit.

The side product of all that is that if you are going to spend all this time, money, and energy doing that, you want it to be picture perfect. I feel like things aren't as messy. In the early days of youtube there was nothing but people using shitty cameras to film at their local park with costumes they made themselves with no skill, and now it feels like anyone making content must have perfection. High quality cameras and microphones, stylized outfits and aesthetics. No mess or ugliness anywhere. It feels different getting a beauty standard from millions of young people hyper-paranoid about their own image than it does getting it from movies and paparazzi magazines of famous people who you know have oodles of time and money. Doesn't it? It must. 

Nothing is actually for the user anymore, it's all about money, content, information to sell to advertisers. I'm so tired of it. I miss when the internet was ugly and new. Maybe we should all log off and do a bad craft and take unfiltered pictures with a disposable camera to show to no one. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Should I start a blog

 I understand the irony of this, but bear with me for a second.

Two weeks ago I cried in therapy finally admitting that I do, in fact, have a lifelong dream I want to pursue. Guess what it is? Anyone who has known me for a while will probably be unsurprised to hear- I want to be a writer. I want to be the person who gets to just sit at home in sweatpants and work on their book all day. I miss the creative process. I am so, so afraid of this, but it's been big to admit that it's what I want.

So, y'know. Being in a PhD program for cancer research seems like an odd place to have ended up. It's okay, because I'm also good at this and there is some genuine interest on my part, but it feels like the reason I got here was a combination of "smart kids do science" + "this is at least somewhat interesting" + "knowing this makes me feel smart, which feels good" + "I'm not terrible at this; in fact, I may actually have a bit of a knack for it." But none of those is "I feel a genuine passion for this" or "I like the style of work I have and the hours I'm able to keep" (well, maybe a little, but I do still wish I didn't have to go in at 6:30 AM due to booking issues- a classic catch-22 of people who are there at normal hours get first dibs on subsequent days of normal hours) or "I can see myself doing this for a long time" (the thought of that gives me a fair amount of anxiety). I think those are maybe important factors. Not to mention the more personal and subjective "I'd like to have a little more flexibility on where I can live" and "I like working at home infinitely more than I like having to be around people all the time."

So... what does this have to do with the blog? Maybe that's not necessary, since it's pretty obvious that a blog is about writing. But writing about what?

Well, since I've scaled back on my social media usage, I've found that there's actually a lot of creative energy in my brain. I've even opened a couple of documents on my computer solely for just writing out ideas and thoughts, including an entire course I outlined in my head (it's about teaching scientific writing and basic research, which I feel deserves its own course at this point). I started planning my story again. Turns out when you stop consuming endless fields of images and videos and other people's lives, you have more time and energy to create instead.

Here's the thing though: I'm scared.

Scared that if I pursue this, it will be a big failure.

Scared that I'll have a good idea, fail to protect it, and someone else will steal it and profit from it.

Scared of putting myself out there and being criticized, fairly or not (part of scaling back from social media included scaling back from comment arguments, which made me feel horrible and angry and on edge).

Scared I'll run out of ideas after like, two ideas.

Scared that I will have big dreams and expectations that will amount to nothing.

Scared that I won't like it after I try.

Scared of putting myself out there as a woman.

I know that all of these are just... not good enough reasons to not do it. I can think of counter arguments very quickly.

Scared of it being a big failure:
Then you will have accomplished just as much as you have now. Anything can fail, but that didn't stop you from going to school for your undergrad or graduate degree. It didn't stop you from doing a complicated extended essay topic in high school. It didn't stop you from auditioning for a performance swing dance team (which actually was something I failed at, incidentally). You'll never experience any success if you don't do anything.

Scared of idea-theft:
This seems unlikely, but you can protect yourself from this. Other people put themselves out there, why can't you? You are also likely to learn about this one way or the other in science at some point.

Scared of criticism:
That's life. You will have to learn to deal with it. It will be unfair sometimes. All you can do is try, there is literally no way to avoid this one, but not just with a blog.

Scared of running out of ideas:
I think every creative has this fear, but if your well of creativity is really that shallow, wouldn't you rather know? Then at least you can work on digging it deeper.

Scared of big expectations and dreams:
So keep your expectations managed. And let yourself feel what you feel. It's okay to be disappointed, frustrated, and upset. It's also okay if you don't feel those things. You've been going to therapy for too long now to let this hold you back.

Scared I won't like it:
Okay again, better to know this than to always wonder what if. Also- you can literally just quit whenever, this is just a side thing with no bearing on your wellbeing or current position.

Scared of the misogyny:
This one is, again, unavoidable at the moment. But you can be anonymous and have only people in your real life know who you are.

And yet... unsurprisingly, the fear is still there. That feeling is still real, even if all the reasons for feeling it don't stack up (it feels a little like those little grid visual illusions, where every time I look at a fear it disappears, but it feels like the others are still there until I turn my focus on them, and they disappear. The fear feels real even though I can't really "look" straight at it in my mind). That's something I am no longer surprised by- something I've been fortunate to learn in therapy and through exploring self help. Sometimes the feeling is just there anyway, demanding to be felt. 

Well, you know what they say about courage!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

What if... we lived in a feminist utopia tho...

Something I've been thinking about recently is this interaction I had on a message board a little over a year ago (before I stopped using it because, like nearly every other site on the internet, it made me too angry). I was increasingly uncomfortable with just how much easier my life was when skipping my periods on birth control- I still am. I had gone on this message board to clumsily make the argument that it was sexist to say that women would be considered worse workers if we were actually given accommodations for something we can't control- in my experience, most women have one or two days every period where they are in a lot of pain, are bleeding heavily, and in general could probably stand to benefit from like, an extra week or two of vacation time every year just as a general rule. It was roundly pointed out to me that this was not the case, which of course made me angry, and I have been sitting with that anger and discomfort for a long time, and today my brain gave me some thoughts on how to work it out.

The thing is that it remains objectively easier for me to skip periods. I don't have to wonder when it's coming every month, deal with the side effects of it (i.e. anything that happens beyond the shedding of the lining itself)- for me, pain, energy loss, insane levels of bloating (I actually look a few months pregnant- this is not an exaggeration for dramatic or comedic effect, it is a LOT), and reduced patience/short temper due to being in pain and not having the energy necessary to deal with all those annoying little things that happen in a day. I'm not wrong that giving women time off of work to deal with this would be helpful, an equalizer, a reasonable accommodation- my issue is that under our current view of the "ideal worker" it would still make women "worse." No company wants to hire an employee who is going to be working less but getting paid the same because it's not in line with every company's main motive- profit. A worker who can work all the time and not need much in return is the ideal- this is why we have to have a minimum wage. However.

HOWEVER. Who is the best kind of person in this scenario? Yes, there are other intersections here- this person probably doesn't have any physical disabilities that need accommodations. They don't have any mental illnesses. All of their family members are either dead, and they've completed the grieving process, or healthy and well (same for their friends). These people are probably more often thin- the company wants a desirable image to make more profit. They probably speak, as a first language, the language of the country they're in, and maybe in other parts of the world, English (this is a guess on my part- I'm in the English-speaking parts of the world where I wouldn't know about this as an issue). These people do not get sick or have any other ailments that require them to take time off or not work as fast or efficiently. They do not have family obligations. Who is this sounding like, in your estimation? Yes, that's right- healthy adult white men. 

Of course, I'm not new to this. We all know that healthy white men have it pretty good. Where I live, the average healthy white man is more likely to be employed. He is likely to have someone at home to take care of the house and kids, if family life is his jam. He can also opt out with little to no societal repercussions. He will not have to worry about getting pregnant and seeking an abortion or assistance with the child, let alone what that will do to his body. He does not need to ask about maternity leave. He does not have 1-2 days a month where he is in pain, tired, irritable, and bleeding that take away his ability to work. He does not have to worry about walking back to his car in the dark. He also doesn't need any physical accommodations at work. He can use all the standard size everything, drive safely in his car to work in the morning or take the bus without someone implying they'd love to fuck him in a painful way that wouldn't be enjoyable for him and isn't something he particularly wants to think about on the bus on the way to or from work, he can take the stairs, curbs and poorly built ramps are not an issue for him, nor are standard size doors without any electronic assistance. Also relevant here- his clothing options and choices are, for the most part, simple and comfortable. He is not required to style his face or hair. The office or workplace temperature will be comfortable for him. And so on and so forth.

This is because the world is built for men. Almost every last little thing about daily life has been designed with men in mind... including like, all of capitalism. In particular, in North America, things are built for healthy white men. But zeroing in- specifically they are built for men, and a white man will benefit from some things in the same way a black or indigenous man will. And I was trying to imagine an exception being made for women, because that's how everything works. You start with your standard, and then as all those pesky laws and regulations force you to, you make accommodations to let others have access. 

What I'm thinking of here is: what if we used our imagination and knowledge of feminist analyses of history and present-day to think of a world where women were the default? Where the world was designed first with women's unique needs and bodies and lived experiences in mind? What would that kind of a world look like in the first place? What if we went back thousands of years and imagined that all of human history had revolved around a central idea of, say, women being revered as "closer to god" for their ability to "create life" (gestation, birth) which made people believe- oh, they are inherently wiser, more moral, what we all should strive to be. What if instead of (to borrow from marxist feminist analysis in the most basic of ways) a situation where women were exploited for their child-producing abilities to give a man the power to produce as many little "helpers" and "workers" as possible, to give the world in general the ability to make lots and lots more people to force into poorly paid work that made a few people rich... what if instead of that we had some kind of situation where women exploited men for their ability to... I don't know, give their offspring genetic diversity and have the free time to do household chores WITHOUT needing time off for, say, gestation or recovering from birth? What if it became custom for women to keep several men around the house, and sons grew up knowing they would effectively be "sold" into a household with a head woman where they would be expected to perform some kind of menial household labor- cleaning, repairs, cooking, farming, childcare, etc- for the rest of their lives, and all society thought of them was that they were stupid because "how could you possibly know anything, you are nothing but a brute good for sperm and hard labor." How would that translate into the modern day? Maybe a woman would keep one or two men by her side as companions, and there would be markers of that- these men wouldn't age as quickly, they would be dressed fashionably, they would look down their noses and sneer at those poor, working-class men who weren't pretty or lucky enough to be in their station... even though they were still wholly disempowered and had few choices in life.

I'm more than willing to bet someone can poke a million holes in that scenario I just described- and that's fine. I'm primarily interested, though, in holes being poked by women who can think of ways to imagine around it. You'll also notice this scenario is pretty basic- there is still class oppression, for example (something that can't just be "flipped" like sex-based oppression can), and my example is very Euro-centric (in that it loosely describes a simple sex-flipped version of a basic idea of "the way of life in the olden days" in a place like Britain or its North American colonies). I'm not going to deny that, or say that this imagining is a good idea, a better idea, how things "should have been", none of that. I'm simply inviting you to consider: what if women had been centered all along, and men cast as the "other"? What if women's gifts were seen as things we should all strive for, and men were told they should "act like a woman" to succeed in the world? What if many things traditionally associated with men were associated with women?

Why am I asking this? I think it's a good exercise to get people to consider just how made up so many of our social and societal norms are, how they can damage thinking and have people writing think pieces about absurdly anti-science concepts like "brain sex" to justify their oppression, and so on. I think it's healthy for women and girls in particular to think about the ways that the world has failed them and how they would like it to change. I think it can help people reimagine what they ask for when it comes to change. What parts of the system should we change? Is it even possible to change this system to that ideal, or do we have to do a major overhaul? Importantly: I want to get people fired up about the things they want to see so they think about how to make those changes. This involves thinking about why things are the way they are- where did the problem start? How have we let it go unchecked? How can we check it now? I also think it might help some people play out those alternate realities and realize some of the things they thought were incredibly meaningful changes are actually pointless, useless, and helping no one (men wearing makeup and dresses can still participate in your oppression...) and refocus their efforts where they will actually make a difference.

So... tell me truly. How do you think the world could be different if one aspect of women's oppression was gone, never happened, or flipped around?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A little update

 All those things I wrote about struggling with last semester? Including my mental health, my paper, my experiments? I figured them out. They aren't even complete, I just actually figured out how to do them.

Thought I'd just put this here for my future back-reading. Everything turned out okay. Even your hyper-critical lab meeting turned out okay. It's fine. You're smart enough.

You'll figure it out. Just keep trying.