is plenty of people are like "yeah identify however you want, it's your sexuality, woohoo know thyself!" but then they turn around and are like "I don't trust anyone who says they aren't a little bit gay" and "Nobody is 100% straight" and I'm like FUCK HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU FAT LITTLE TURDS like you literally JUST SAID that people could identify however they wanted to. I identify as 100% straight and you are not at liberty to tell me that that is incorrect because YOU ARE NOT ME JESUS FUCK TUMBLR PLS STOP BEING SO HYPOCRITICAL OKAY like I'm not saying there's anything wrong with identifying as not-straight, like dude, like what you like and be who you are, but then don't try to insist that because sexuality is a spectrum, no one is allowed to exist at the extreme ends. Some people are 100% gay. Some people are 100% straight. Some people are somewhere in the middle. The end. Have a nice day.
I'm predicting if I put that on tumblr, tho (not that I could b/c I don't have one), people would be like "wow homophobe" and I'm like FUCK NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY HERE I have absolutely no problem with homosexuality like why should I have a problem with it I don't see a problem there, don't twist my words into garbled hate-speech.
IN LIGHTER NEWS my date went well :) we went out for brunch, he ate a lot more food than I did (lately I've noticed I have like no appetite... it's a bit worrisome but I'm still eating and making sure to eat lots of good food too), and then we walked around for like an hour and just talked about a bunch of stuff and it was really nice. It was freezing outside, but that didn't really matter (well I mean aside from my legs being very numb). I just didn't want the date to be over, so we just walked past my building, and over to the train station, and then back over like 10 blocks, and then all the way back to my building. It was a really long walk, now that I think about it. Damn. This relationship is already good for my health.
He was really nice, too, like he remembered previous things we had talked about and asked me about them and I asked him about what he did in the four years between high school and university, and I dunno, we just talked about stuff. Which is obviously the best kind of thing to be able to talk about. He did wear sweatpants, which was mildly disappointing, but I guess that didn't really matter much. Also it was really evident that he liked me, which was really sweet, and kind of makes me smile like an idiot. I mean it was clear already that he liked me given that he worked up the courage to ask me out, but still. I don't quite feel the same but it's like... I dunno.
Also... at one point when we were figuring out how to pay the bill (he got most of it, but I paid some too, and I feel like it was fairly even given how little I ate compared to him... either way I would have been totally cool with getting the bill, like it's not a problem, it wasn't that much) I looked over and saw his driver's license in his wallet. I have no idea when he had that picture taken, but in it it definitely looked like he had a full beard, with like full-on sideburns- a pirate beard. I had to take a break to laugh when he got up to use the bathroom. I just like the idea that he's capable of growing a pirate beard, it's really funny. AND THAT HE ACTUALLY DID THAT AT ONE TIME ALSO THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER HAHAHAHAHA I shouldn't be laughing like I don't want to be mean but like omg it was so funny.
I must also give more credit to the idea that he is secretly ripped. When I say secretly, I mean like he's always wearing these ill-fitting baggy pajama-esque clothes and so I can't tell. But he said something that made me think that he is, and also I only noticed today that DAMN the boy has nice arms. Like... well, y'know. Nice arms. I feel like the internet knows about this already, like I don't need to elaborate any more on it. Well, and the shoulders, but I always notice guys' shoulders so that's no surprise.
Anyway, there is going to be a second date at some point in time, so I think that's when you say you're dating someone. Not that it's a relationship (I decided with Vince today that a relationship is when you don't have to ask "so, do you want to do this again sometime?" like if you're in a relationship the assumed answer to that is just yes) (also you are allowed to hold their hand when you are walking together without having to awkwardly ask if you can hold their hand, I am adding that), but it's getting there.
I know I said to Freckles over the thanksgiving weekend that it wasn't going to happen, but hey, people change their minds. People also ask other people out and that changes people's minds. THINGS HAPPEN *waves arms about in air*
I have to wonder if he knows about this blog. IF YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS BLOG YOU BETTER FUCKING TELL ME, GRAG. Or else I will be hella mad that you know that I think you have nice arms.
yer pal,
swegan :)
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