Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I am far too young to have chronic back pain like this. My right shoulder is constantly bothering me. I think it might be because that's the shoulder I always put my backpack onto first, and it was the shoulder I always carried my backpack on if I carried it on one shoulder for a little ways. Either way there's a permanent knot there. Mom managed to work it out on the weekend (which was so nice, weirdly enough, since I hate back rubs) and I've been trying to keep it at bay ever since. I have this foam roller thing, maybe 6 or 8 inches in diameter (DON'T JUDGE ME FOR USING INCHES GUISE), and when you lie your spine along it and hold your arms out to the sides it's like HOLY I DIDN'T KNOW THOSE MUSCLES GOT STIFF. And then when you sit back up again, you can't help but stand up straighter. It's wonderful. Unfortunately I look a bit weird when using it so I can't actually use it with enough room for my arms unless my roommate's out. It's just so nice when you feel your muscles stop being tense and just relax.... it's a bit painful, yes, but in that way of stretching where if you just do it gradually it feels really nice after a while.
Mostly I needed to stretch my legs, though. They keep crapping out on me halfway to school. My knees, of course, are being little butts. I want to run so badly but I CAN'T BECAUSE OF MY SHITTY KNEES.

Anyway, that's about as much exercise as I get in. Stretching probably doesn't promote weight loss, but hey, I'm not trying to lose weight so I guess that solves that problem. It's just good for me to stretch out all my muscles, from my arms to my shoulders to my neck to my stomach to my legs. Ahhhhhhh....

I should probably get back to studying now. I have a philosophy test tomorrow and I'm freaking out a little bit... last time I started re-reading my notes on the weekend. This time, I haven't even looked at my old notes until today. Heh heh... well I can probably still pull another A- or whatever it is I got last time (does an 84 qualify as an A-? I thought it was a B-. HOW DO LETTER GRADES WORK I DO NOT UNDERSTAND) (oh look I googled it and one of the results was for my university... do not underestimate the power of google, my friends. Between my lab manual and that, it's all that's letting me pass my chem labs with the stellar grades I somehow get.

Oh okay so I did get an A-, and then I got a B on my chem quiz which is good considering how stressed I was about that, and I've been getting A+ on all my math assignments. Yay. We'll see how my midterms go... hahahahahahahaha bio midterm, more like "I sure hope you remember all the terms we've thrown at you which is like 20 per set of notes on average and also you should remember all those latin/greek root words for etymologies HAVE FUN KIDDIES" WHY AM I MAJORING IN THIS YOU GUYS IT'S SO HARD UGH
My prof said today though that that's because we have to learn how to speak biology so maybe things will get a little less term-heavy as I go into higher and higher levels of bio. Ugh, I hope so. Bio still seems like the easiest thing to major in to me though. I mean like... English major... how about no, too many essays. And no to chem as well, since even my PROF today was like "if you think atomic orbitals are hard wait until we get to molecular orbitals" and I was like "CHEM PROF NOOOOOO :'(" EVERYTHING IS HARD AUHRAOUENGOUAEHTAOUNGUSHGUGHUAHF

Whatever it's just this one semester and next semester will be very interesting since I am taking astrophysics and I am just now realizing the physics part of that might mean it's a very very very bad idea and so I'm like "do I just tough it out or should I switch out or what if all the other classes I want are gone and I have to take something dumb or something with a lab like *PANICKING NOISES*" But I am taking women's studies next semester... I switched that from a night class to be right after my labs, which might have been a bad idea, but whatever. I like this semester but of course the next one will be worse. I mean that was the only other time I could take it that fit, because astrophysics is only offered at one time which is stupid b/c it's like 3 pm like what the fuck I wanted to be done early. UGH I HAVE MATH AT 9 MWF AND THEN THREE FUCKING HOURS WITH NOTHING TO DO FOLLOWED BY BIO FOLLOWED BY AN HOUR OF NOTHING FOLLOWED BY ASTROPHYSICS NO I DON'T LIKE THIS WHY DID I DO THAT
I guess that's going to be prime homework time now. Either that or I could come home and take a nap for 25 minutes (half an hour leads to sleep inertia- not a good idea) (no seriously there's a whole science behind naps like there's videos and charts and shit it's very legit u guise) or I could just POWER HOMEWORK in the library or something.

It should be said about me that I like it best when I can go to class, get it done, and go home and work and be done. I don't like having it so that I work and then go to class. That's all wrong and backwards and *unhappy noises* noooooo.

Well I guess it's only one semester and it approaches summer so unlike this one, it will get warmer out as things get stressful. I suppose I'll fall into my schedule too. I feel like that guy from The Outsider (also known as The Stranger, by Albert Camus) who's like "mother said you can get used to almost anything" and I mean I'm still not in engineering so life isn't that bad. God, I'm so glad I didn't take engineering. WAY. TOO. MUCH. MATHY STUFF. Like I'm not the kind of person who can think something up in their head and then create it using math as a tool like no.

What am I going to do with my life. Sigh. I'm pretty sure a BSc in bio means I can do a) research, 2) medicine, or c) teach (well I mean I'd have to get more degrees for that but you see my point like I'd have to get my MD to do medicine obvs). NONE OF THESE OPTIONS APPEAL TO ME WHAT DO??

I suppose for now I should stop getting so ahead of myself and just focus on today, like studying for philosophy and doing my stupid english project.

yer pal,
swegan :S

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