Friday, December 13, 2013


"done my first semester of university!" "Finally finished my last final, what is this free time!" "Omg, so good to be done" like SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE HOLE OH MY GOD I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE BEING DONE FOR GOD'S SAKE
I feel that on some level I understand how the engineers feel, because they have exams until like the 20th which is just super lame. I mean engineering is difficult enough already, and then to put all the exams that late? That's just cruel. But anyway. I'm done on Monday, and I have a chem final today. But of course I have two exams left on Monday. It couldn't just be bio or math, no, it had to be both. And whenever I try to take a break, I end up looking at facebook, and every day is just another "done" status that makes me want to claw people's eyes out with jealousy. QUIT SHARING YOUR JOY. SOME OF US ARE STILL STUDYING. AND ALSO FORGOING ENJOYING THINGS LIKE SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS/SIGNIFICANT OTHERS FOR THE SAKE OF STUDYING. I was so looking forward to seeing Grag again this evening but nooo, I realized I have to study instead. I am so tired of studying. I am so. Fucking. Done. Plus being finished later means that I can't go home until later which means fewer days to visit teachers and just UNIVERSE WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Seriously, though, I know it's not fair to be mad at people who are done, but I just feel so anxious all the time, like I haven't studied enough, or that I'm going to fail, and then I have to hear feedback from everyone else on their exams and then my fucking roommate is done TODAY, ugh, UGH I HATE EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING SUCKS AND I'M SO MAD.
I would much rather be done sooner than have more time to study. You have no idea. If I had had math and bio this week as well, then today would be my last day and I could like fucking go home on the weekend or something. Sigh. At least traffic won't be too bad on Wednesday, I'd think.

You know what this is ridiculous. After that math thing tonight I am coming home and making popcorn and watching Bar Rescue until I fall asleep. It's a pity party, because I am so deep in self pity right now it's not even funny. I have all day Saturday and all day Sunday to study and like my fucking bio final is only worth 30% of my grade anyway so who even cares. I'll pass it and that'll be the end of it. And I don't care what my roommate does this weekend, as long as she's quiet Sunday night. Party somewhere else. And if people are planning on partying Sunday night, well, then I'm fucked. Sigh. But I guess I'll get to sleep eventually and there's not much I can do. Also I have absolutely no problem with getting up, knocking on doors, and asking very kindly "can you guys please keep it down I have two exams tomorrow and I really need to sleep" and then saying "Can you fucking shut up I am trying to fucking sleep I have two fucking exams tomorrow" if they don't listen the first time.

Ugh. I just hate everything right now, everything is anxiety and it feels like it'll never be over.

yer pal,
swegan :(

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