My family went to Australia, I think. It was odd because there weren't any bugs or anything, but I remember standing on a balcony in a big red sweater and feeling the sun and the wind on my face as I looked at the ocean.
I miss the sun. I know that there's good in every season, and that winter certainly has its virtues, but the problem with winter is it always lasts too long. It's possible to have too much of a good thing, and up North, that's especially true.
But I look out my window today and I see the snow melting. Given, we are having a bit of a warm spell this week, but it's still nice to see. More and more lately I walk outside and smell spring, which is odd because spring won't come until I've moved back home.
I just miss summer. I miss the sun. I miss wearing shorts and coming inside after a day spent outside and feeling how my whole body seems to have kept some sunlight for itself; I feel warm, and for once I radiate heat. I miss how my hair feels when it dries after going swimming outside, how it's all dry and crispy and smells like lakewater. I miss the smell of sunscreen and bugspray, I miss my sister and I nervously wiping our bikes clean of cobwebs after being stored in the shed all year. I miss s'mores, I miss the cooking we do outside. I miss the sound of flip-flops on pavement. I miss the summer clothes I can wear when the temperature outside isn't enough to kill me without a jacket. I miss wearing sundresses and feeling hella cute. I miss the food, too. I miss the fruit, the fancy costco quinoa salads, the cheese and crackers, the lemonade we make frozen from concentrate. I miss ice cream, god, do I ever miss ice cream on a hot day. I miss having to wear sunglasses. I miss driving with the windows down when I pick up my sister from school. I even miss the rainy days, the days when the sky is gray and it's perfect for staying outside... or going outside because it's still not that cold. I miss the sometimes-thunderstorms. I don't miss the big ones, the ones that go on for weeks and destroy homes and cities and lives. But I do miss the thunder that accompanied them, so strong it would shake the house. I miss watching thunderstorms. I miss going the mall without having to bring a big heavy winter coat along with me. I miss driving with my friends and singing along to loud music. I miss driving by myself and listening to loud music. I miss singing along, very badly, but joyously, by myself.
Most of all what I miss, though, is the sun. I love lying in the sun... albeit, my strong fear of wasps does sometimes get in the way. I miss being in the backyard and sitting there until I felt too hot and had to go inside to the overly air-conditioned recesses of the house. I miss biking to the lake and sitting in the grass where there was just enough sun to warm me without getting overly hot. I miss how warm my steering wheel and seat would get when I forgot to park in the shade. I miss warming up after getting in the lake, because the lake is always too cold, but at the same time, I remember how refreshing it is to be in the cold lake when the sun is particularly bad.
I just really miss summer today. Of course, currently that's problematic as well, since I have to maintain a long distance relationship this summer (presuming Ptarckas and I don't break up before summer starts, which honestly does not seem likely).
I think I also miss the lack of homework, which, let's be honest, is probably what every university student feels like. But, in the meantime, I should get back to writing my papers. Er, rather, writing one, and stressing until I come up with an idea for the other one.
yer pal,
swegan :)
rrrrrrrrrr, you just about made me cry with that post. gosh, I miss summer, too x( WHERE IS THE SUN?!