Sunday, May 4, 2014

Stressful dreams

Well, first I broke my knee, but then later it was my elbow for some reason. I snapped a tendon in it, and when they fixed it, my arm automatically snapped straight more than it bent. It was bizarre. And that was stressful, but then suddenly I was in the midst of some kind of post-apocalyptic war, and I was on the wrong side of it, because there were people invading my house and I had to hide. We were going to run and so I had gone to look for some suitable shoes in a slightly altered version of my mom's closet. Then, for some reason, I knew they were coming in there to look for me, so I had to hide. That was stressful enough, because I knew if they found me, they'd kill me.

I frequently have recurring dreams like this, where I have to find a good hiding spot and sit there and worry about whether or not the people in my house who for some reason are trying to hunt me down are going to find me. It really stresses me out, like I'll wake up with my stomach in knots and feeling full of needles, you know that feeling? It's horrible

Later in the dream, I was in a piano competition but realized that I didn't know my part of the songs and I would make my partners lose. It was horrible, trying to make chords based on what they were playing. Afterwards for some reason we were at some border and a bunch of people joined us, including Ptarckas for a brief moment. I asked him to say something in Hungarian, and then he did. He also said something in Russian for some reason. Then later he wasn't there and I was with I think Vince and an old childhood friend and some other girls and we were above the highway on these concrete things and suddenly one girl slipped and fell a little ways and got knocked unconscious. So then suddenly the highway was a river and we somehow managed to get her onto this floating dock thing most of the way across, but for some reason we couldn't get her the rest of the way. I had seen a sign that said we were near Red Deer (I have no idea how) and so I knew if we could just get her to shore and find a phone I could call an ambulance. There was a guy on shore with a bunch of dogs, like all swimming and laying in the sun. I swam to shore and asked if any of them were rescue dogs, but he said no (I guess I was looking for a newfie). He went to go ask some other people (he appeared to be camping, he was wearing a really ugly too-small shirt over his large belly and also swim trunks and sandals as he barbecued on the beach wearing sunglasses and a hat and drinking beer) but then when I looked back everyone else on the floating dock had discovered one of those pool floaty things and floated the unconscious girl across the river. I said "nevermind" and we ran inland and found some weird milkshake shack thing that was really beachy-looking and then we got thrown in a back room with a phone and one of the girls who ran the stand dialed the police really fast and then hung up and then said "look, if I press 237, it automatically connects me to the last number, so don't try ANYTHING." somehow I managed to convince her that I just needed to phone the police, but when I tried dialing 911, it asked where I wanted the bomb dropped. I clicked some "no" button on the phone but for some reason it just kept moving through this process of bomb-dropping so I hung up. Then the girl who was unconscious was conscious, but she was moving really slowly, and for a second I got a glimpse in her head, and everything was spinning and her heart was beating really slowly, and there was something about the number 7 that I remember. She was drinking cups of toffee the girls at the milkshake stand had given her, and when I was asking them what it was my asthma started getting really bad so I asked for some coffee because I heard once that that helps. Then my next idea was to use the phone to call mom and ask her to call the ambulance because I was pretty sure I now needed one because I was on the verge of an asthma attack. But I kept getting the number 3 confused with 7 and then FINALLY, I woke up.

For a brief moment, I was actually really wheezy, but that faded. I was also really sweaty, no doubt from the stress. I really, really hate dreams like the first one there, where I have to run and hide. I'm always worried my hiding spot isn't good enough and if it isn't then I'm basically screwed because I'm cramped up in some tiny little corner and can't move to run. Perhaps joining the hide-and-seek club at uni isn't the best idea in the world. Despite how much fun it looks like, I'm really competitive and no doubt I would go into that weird kind of panic-mode the longer I sat. That panic-mode even used to happen with Freckles: we'd be running around and I'd try and stay away, and then suddenly the idea that she might catch up to me and get her hands on me was absolutely terrifying. Then she would, and the terror would immediately pass. I know Freckles got this way, too, she told me once and exhibited the same responses I did when I was chasing her.

That's often another feature of those dreams: I'm being chased, so not only do I have to find a hiding spot, I have to find one NOW and FAST and that's really stressful when there's people with guns coming after me.

Anyway. I'm awake now and nothing like that will happen to me. *deep breaths* Also, my elbow isn't broken and I'm not having an asthma attack. Woo!

yer pal,
swegan :S

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