If you are a girl and you wear makeup you are not being brave or original or feminist. You already know that wearing makeup is "okay" and if you really need me to tell you that, maybe you aren't as confident as you claim? idk tho
Why why WHY are we all wasting so much goddamn time pretending that we have to "support other women who wear makeup" THEY ARE ALREADY SUPPORTED. BY EVERYONE ELSE. ALL THE TIME. People who don't think about this shit constantly are like "women wear makeup and that's normal and how it is" and then see me and are like "who let this child into graduate school?" because nobody fucking knows what an adult woman looks like anymore. Also i do genuinely have a baby face, but that cannot possibly be all of it.
"um actually sweaty people bug women about the amount of makeup they wear all the TIME" People don't support women wearing makeup because women are told simultaneously that they must be beautiful, which requires care, but that caring about beauty makes you vain. You are trying to break that cycle by saying "it is not vain to care about beauty" even though that is the literal fucking definition of vanity. I am trying to get you to focus on the "women must be beautiful and care about beauty" part. Why aren't we getting rid of that part. WHY CANT WOMEN BE UGLY IN PEACE? Men have this privilege. Men are allowed to be so ugly and that's fine. Women should be allowed to be ugly also.
There really is no trend online of being like "yassss queen, save that money by not buying makeup constantly! Challenge actual real life expectations by going bare faced for normal ass days at work and school! the best actual literal way to reduce makeup waste is just NOT TO FUCKING WEAR IT!" nope. there is like, no celebration of makeupless women, aside from a buzzfeed post that circulates now and then about "All of these female celebrities posted makeup free selfies on social media once, and we should talk about it" ok, sure, these women are already conventionally beautiful without makeup and likely have a lot of money to invest in skincare (which tbh is just the beauty industry under another name) and sleep and fucking plastic goddamn surgery, but like, ok sure, but why is this just one buzzfeed article?
"you just want people to celebrate you" actually no. I mean partly sure yes, because what I am doing actually (somewhat) bucks trends (but i do admit I am thin and white and have no acne), but partly because it's beyond hypocritical to say you support all women but then only really support them when they do what the entire world expects them to do anyway. Like woo, yay, let's play it safe and never challenge anything. let's never examine our own insecurities and instead hide them behind a veneer of "doing this for me."
Like O K i get that this is deeply rooted in my distrust of pretty people (people who are pretty, who know they are pretty and have always known it, and who care deeply about this, are the WORST people, who will 100% judge you on sight for being an ugly gremlin and liking nerd shit, do NOT recommend. This does not include people who are pretty but do not know or care, people who are pretty but do not care, or people who have only recently become pretty, or people who are pretty without knowing it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk), but seriously, s e r i o u s l y, I'm tired of being asked to support women who would never in 5 million years turn around and support my choices back. they just defend themselves and then accuse me of being anti-feminist for not supporting them. Sorry queen! Guess you'll have to get your validation from everyone else in your life including mainstream media sources, and not one ugly girl on the internet. Oh no!!!
Newsflash! Washing my face every 2-3 days and sometimes forgetting to moisturize saves me a buttload of money, energy, and time (again, I understand I do not have painful acne)! It is not actually important to be pretty! We all gonna age, we are all going to get wrinkles and die. You can do nothing to prevent it. Please just give up and have a good time instead. I haven't spent money on mascara since 2017.
Like genuinely, actually, really though: do whatever the fuck you want, but stop asking me to validate you, stop asking me to make you feel better about your choices. Wearing makeup is not and never will be a feminist action, so you can either wear it and live with that or stop wearing it to align better with your principles. Those are your choices. Stop trying to make there be some magical third option where anytime a woman makes a choice, she is a feminist- that is not even remotely how any of this works. None of us are perfect. I shave my armpit hair to avoid arguing with my mother. That's Not Feminist! But here I am anyway, accepting that and living my life and not asking people to validate me. Not everything you do will align perfectly with your ideals, and that's your mud to wade through. Ok? cool.
(is this my most well thought out post? nah. But here it is anyway!)